Do you know what the fuck you’ve done? 

While I don’t know what is going on in your head, heart, or groin, what I do know is that it is not more important than the pain and confusion that you have inflicted on a developing human being. 

Even they may not know it yet, but if there were any doubt that the boogie man existed, you have confirmed that monsters are indeed real. 

You’ve given them nightmares and debilitating anxiety. You have completely crumbled their sense of security and nearly obliterated their perception of self-worth. Your actions have shattered their ability to trust and have probably changed their entire sense of identity.

You have redirected the course of their existence by imposing your megalomaniacal sexual desires on them. 

You should take a look in a mirror and ask yourself why Dear Child Molester. Why did you manipulate that baby into doing something that you, as an adult, know is too complicated for them to understand and way too much for their underdeveloped brains and bodies to process? 

Why did you ignore their hesitation, disregard their uncertainty and dismiss the fear in their body language?

Why when they resisted you, did you then shame, threaten, guilt and even seduce them into compliance? 

Is it because someone else did it to you?

Well, if that’s the case then you should know the fuck better. You know how you felt. You know how scared you were. You know how the shame from any possible pleasurable sensations from your body conflicting with that fear, and the misunderstanding of what is right and wrong in your mind made you doubt yourself. 

So why would you want to put someone vulnerable through the same thing?

Yes, I know that this world is full of all kinds of evildoers. But you, Child Molester, before you became who you are, you were supposed to and still have a responsibility to contribute to the progress of this existence just like everyone else. Yet you are not only doing the exact opposite, you are contributing to the unraveling and disfunction of our entire society. 

Because now Child Molester, that child, those children, those young people you tainted will struggle with their human experience and development for the rest of their lives. Until the end! 

And If they don’t just hurry the end along because they can’t take the post-trauma stress anymore, they could turn to drugs or alcohol and even inflict pain on themselves attempting to numb that which you caused. 

Because hey, at least that’s their choice right? At least to inflict harm on oneself is an exercising of agency over oneself. At least the high of a drug and the stupor from one too many drinks is of one’s own fruition. It’s not because someone made them do it or gave them an impossible choice that didn’t feel like a choice at all. 

And if that happens, more times than not, they won’t live up to their full potential. Or, they may become one of you, contributing to the spread of the infection that is the sexual exploitation of children throughout our society. 

Did you know that some children attempting to deal with the stress of suffering and keeping secrets will create other versions of themselves, then assign those versions the job of being sexually abused by you? 

Look at the power you are messing with. But then that’s just it isn’t it? It’s the power that’s intoxicating. Sure there’s the sexual gratification, but the real arousal comes from your emotionally and mentally weak ass feeling bigger than someone else. The real high comes from seeing the hesitation, uncertainty and fear, and doing what you want to do anyway.

You sicken me Child Molester. You literally make me sick to my stomach. My mind misfires while trying to comprehend the state of your mind that would allow you to find resolve in such a heinous act. This incites messages from my brain to my digestive system that make me literally want to throw up. 

But dear Child Molester, I will swallow hard because I actually have hope. No matter how hard you tried to destroy it, I have hope that amidst your victims there is hope. And your victims will become survivors because of that hope. They will find a way. 

And it may not be today, or tomorrow for that matter, but enough of you, dear Child Molester, will be exposed and punished in ways that will serve as an example to other child molesters that they simply should not exist. 
